United Kingdom
Unit 1 The Service Station, Ely Road, Waterbeach CB25 9PG
Waiting time will be charged at £15.00 for every 15 minutes after the arranged pick up time.
Price does not include any parking charges or deviations from route, which are chargeable as extras.
All bookings cancelled after payment has been made will incur a £25 admin fee.
If less than 28 days' notice of cancellation is given, a charge of 25% or £80.00 (whichever is greater) will be made.
If less than 14 days' notice of cancellation is given, a charge of 50% or £150.00 (whichever is greater) will be made.
If less than 7 days' notice is given then 80% of the fare will be charged.
If less than 24 hours' notice is given 100% of the fare will be charged.
Minimum charge of £70.00 if excess cleaning is required. If anyone is sick on the vehicle a minimum fee is £100.
Failure to pay as per terms may result in the booking being cancelled. No reminders will be sent.
Any extra charges will be invoiced separately after hire.