United Kingdom
Unit 1 The Service Station, Ely Road, Waterbeach CB25 9PG
This depends on a number of factors including how far you want to travel, and whether the journey is one way or return and what the driver needs to do with the vehicle whilst you are away from it.
We clean every mini coach before every journey. If you would like to eat and / or drink on the journey, please contact us to discuss this beforehand. We always expect that you will tidy after yourselves and leave it in the way that you’d expect to find it yourself. In the event that a deep clean is needed after your journey, we will bill for this accordingly.
Yes, you can tell us when you’re a Hen or Stag party. We’re even happy to help you decorate the interior in advance if you’d like us to. We don’t expect excessive drinking or crates of beer to be circulated and in the event that a deep clean is needed after your journey, we will bill for this accordingly.